Here's some of my work for your perusal.
Cooking With Greggy - Kinda Funny
Choppin' Wood and Eatin' Legs - The Forest (#2) | Let's Play
Games Can't Afford to Fail Anymore!? Why They're All the Same
The PlayStation VR Show - Kinda Funny
End City HACKS in Minecraft with GameKids Millie | MASTER MINE TUTORIALS
Nick's First Show At Cobb's Comedy! - KF VLOGS
Kinda Funny Goes Hollywood - Kinda Funny Vlog
AHHL Today - Let's Play Community
AH Moments - The Christpuncher Can Can
RWBY: Grimm Eclipse - Team RNJR w/Special Guest LoZelda - Part 4 - Occasionally Play
Ultimate Chicken Horse - Get Punched! - Occasionally Play
Scissor Sisters Comic - Kickstarter Promotional Video